Travel Blog with Interactive Map

Travel Blog with Interactive Map Instantly show on the homepage where you are, where you've been, places and countries you are about to visit. Use TravelMap to plan your itinerary and map your future route. Enrich your Travel Blog with Photos and Videos

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Planning your trips with detailed maps

You can addCreate an itinerary map to plan an upcoming trip Our free travel mapping tool can be a great resource when you are planning your trips. If you are travelling to multiple cities and want to get an idea of which itineraries are going to be the most efficient, just map all your stops out and see what the route looks like. Once you have worked out the route, you can add notes and bookmarks to each stop to keep all your ideas in one place. Also, don't forget to tap into our amazingly helpful community of travellers by asking for trip advice in our forums. Map out all your old trips We spent a lot of time making this as easy to use as possible, especially when mapping out lots of stops and lots of trips. You can very quickly add new stops to trips with minimal detail. For example, you can choose to add dates to each stop. Or not. This mapping tool is flexible that way. Mapping out all your travels can be a huge amount of fun, as it's a great way to relive memories. At the end of it all, you can view your own travel stats page which will show you how many kms you travelled, which countries you visited and more.

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Google My Maps to Plan a Trip [Tutorial]

I love a good map. I’ve got maps hanging on my walls. I go to the bookstore to read maps. Whenever I navigate my way home using only a map, I feel like I must have some innate bushcraft skills. And if you’ve read my posts about traveling in Maine, you’re probably sick of me talking about the DeLorme Atlas by now. (I really cannot help this–these atlases have a cult following in the Pine Tree State.) But while reading paper maps will always inspire a sense of get-up-and-go adventure for me, I’m not totally opposed to using tech for planning my trips (and sometimes navigating on the ground, but don’t tell anyone). One of my favorite trip planning tools is Google My Maps, which allows you to use Google Maps as a trip planner by creating a custom map and adding pins for multiple locations. Not only is a great because, well, it’s Google, but it can be used in several different ways: from initial brainstorming to creating a trip itinerary to navigating on the go. Here’s an overview of how to use Google My Maps to plan a trip, plus a tutorial (and video!) of how to set it up.

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